No Sorting Required

April 11, 2019

       Include all the media you wish to in your digitizing kit, with no sorting required.  Include VHSs, audio cassettes, 8mm reels -- we have even had customers send us their old cell phones -- we can retrieve your images off these too!  Use the enclosed packaging materials and feel free to add more of your own.  

When Heirloom’s digitizers scan your photos, your photos will be grouped logically and by size.  We will preserve the photo groupings in the way your photos were packaged in your digitizing kit.  You’ll be able to review digital samples of all your media when Heirloom provides you your digitizing quote, typically within 2 business days of kit receipt.

Everything you sent us will be carefully handled and returned to you, securely and delicately repackaged.  Your media will be preserved on Heirloom’s secure cloud, for free free until 2023. From here, you can organize your files to suit your personal preference.  Heirloom’s Cloud can be your one-stop-shop to preserve high-quality images and videos that you can enjoy from anywhere and share with your own private network of family and friends.

Author:  Keisha, Heirloom Cloud intern

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